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PISA, in view  of  contributing to increasing citizens awareness of governance structures and their (citizens) ability to engage in democratic and developmental processes in Lesotho,  has established centres in all districts in the country in order to bring access to information for citizens in the districts. The centres have libraries which are equipped with reading materials such as books, newspapers and a free Wi-Fi.

In some districts we have kid friendly spaces termed, “KIDDIE’S CORNERS”. The purpose of the kid’s corner is to enable parents who bring kids to use the PISA centres and take part in PISA activities

This is in exception of Maseru district of which therefore; Maseru is to a ‘mobile’ centre which  also functions as a library, well equipped like all centres. The fundamental reason to have a mobile centre for Maseru is to enable an access to information for citizens that reside at the rural areas of the district. Maseru PISA mobile Centre is incepted in collaboration with United Nations International Children Emergency Fund (UNICEF) and National University of Lesotho (NUL).